If you want to have your very own website, rest assured that there are many web hosting providers around to fulfill that desire. However, there is much that needs to be considered in order to find the provider that is truly appropriate for your needs. One of the most important of all is the level of support the company provides with the service. Before signing up for any web hosting plan, it is advisable to find out just how competent the support staff is and how fast they will be able to respond to your questions or concerns. It may also be a good ideal to find a company that provides different methods of support to ensure that you are covered from all angles. Common and Advanced Support Options In today’s web hosting market, support is provided in several ways. Most companies make online documentation available in the form of knowledge bases, FAQs and tutorials. These support options are great for customers who want to find their own answers as they generally contain information related to the service. A well designed support system will make it fast and easy to find out how to set up email accounts, create databases, add on domains, implement your site builder, and much more. While very convenient, online documentation should not be the only form of support the hosting company provides. You also need the benefit of advanced support options, including the following: Email – When signing up for a hosting package, email support should be a given. No exceptions. Even companies that have limited support options usually offer email support 24/7. Because email can never assure you the speediest response, you may want to look for other methods to obtain the support you need. Support Tickets - Ticket systems have become a common way to provide support on the web hosting market. You simply fill out a ticket expressing your questions or concerns, submit it to the support department, and then wait for a response. Support tickets offer the power of convenience and make a great alternative to email. Live Chat – This is another feature that has become very popular in the on-demand world of internet computing. Live chat allows you to get support in near real-time. No waiting for a response via email or from the ticket system, both of which can be slower than you would prefer. Although live chat is a matter of preference, this support option can turn out to be useful when yo need to communicate with a real person. Toll-free Phone – The support feature many consider a must have is toll-free phone. All the above options are great, but nothing beats the old fashion method of being able to get a live employee on the phone. It would be nice if you could find a host company that at least keeps its technical support line open around the clock as problems could occur at any time. Finding a good web hosting provider is never as easy as it sounds. However, due diligence is required to find the solution that is best fit for your needs. Therefore, you should access the company’s level of support as much as you can to better determine if it will live up to expectations. |
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